Attendance management

Solutions for automating time and attendance control, compliance with legal obligations, holiday management and monthly processing absences, overtime, as well as other allowances

Our attendance management solutions respond to the challenges facing companies' human resources management, regardless of their size, organisational form or corporate culture.

Available in different implementation scenarios, they have a modular architecture and different interfaces, suited to the context and actions of each of the parties involved - the HR team, managers and employees - with a view to making attendance management in the organisation easier and quicker, but also more transparent and equitable.



Employee data

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Customised employee data

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Importing and exporting data with other applications

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Synchronisation of master data with other applications

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Synchronisation of master data with a certified SAP interface

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Grouping Lists

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Hierarchical trees

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Daily working hours

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filled green dot
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Set breaks

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Variable breaks

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Weekly working hours

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Working hours for any period

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Working shifts

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Registering of holidays

filled green dot
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not filled blue dot

Calculation of entitlement

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Bonus for attendance

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Controlling time off

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Handling of duplications

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Alteration requests

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Multiple public holidays schedules

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Public holidays setup

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Fixed public holidays with anual repeats

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Moveable public holidays witj anual repeats

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Registering of absences

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Attachment of documents

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Ecveptions to working hours

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Swaps and substitution of employees

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Sick leave

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Meal allowance

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Student worker status

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Night work

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Other personalised benefits

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Limits for justifications and benefits

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Automatic overtime

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Manual activation of overtime

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Pay scales

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Time bank

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Other credited time

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Detailed attendance table

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Configurable attendance table

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Employee status

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Legal tables

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Statistical tables

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Statistical data

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Posting of earnings by text message

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Retroactive transactions

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Application fo administrators

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Application for managers

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Application for employee

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External entities (regular)

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Weekly access schedule

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Access schedule for any period

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Exceptions to schedules

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Access controlled by PIN

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Predefined access cards for visitors

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Consulting history

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Online consultation

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Control of people by zone

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Special interface for entry points

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Special taxation regimes

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Professional categories

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Permanent, fixed term, and indeterminate contracts

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Garnishment of earnings

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Totally configurable processing

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Configurable formulas in programming language

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Processing pre-configured with Portuguese legislation

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Monthly or specified processing periods

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Matching or diverging transaction collection periods

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Importing of benefits and absences

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Manual activation of benefits and absences

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Possibility of including or excluding individual movements

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Possibility of processing groups of employees

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Verification of processing before recording

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Annual declaration of income for tax purposes

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Employee earnings receipts

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Monthly table for unions

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List of payments y process

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Declaration of tac withheld

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Declaration of income for social security

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Single report

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Meals reservations

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multiple meal periods

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Consumptions by employees and external entities

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Visitor consumptions attributed to employees

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Price categories

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Multiple consumption locations

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Reservations and consumption in facilities

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Reservations on web portal

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Online monitoring of reservations and consumption meters

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Exporting for remunerations

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Related products

Self Service Portals

Self-service Portals

Mobile Phone Attendance

Mobile phone attendance

Remote Working

Remote Working

Time Planning

Timetable planning

Mobility Attendance

Mobility Attendance



featured image RUC


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featured image TUX900


featured image UMV5


featured image UMV6

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auchan-portugal-hipermercados-sa-attendance.svg barhold-sa-attendance.svg ctt-correios-de-portugal-sa-attendance.svg emel-empresa-municipal-de-mobilidade-e-estacionamento-de-lisboa-attendance.svg rtp-radio-e-televisao-de-portugal-sa-attendance.svg a-c-nielsen-portugal.svg a-e-d-servicos-e-investimentos-lda.svg adc-agencia-para-o-desenvolvimento-e-coesao-ip.svg alguerra-autoparts-lda.png almina-minas-do-alentejo-sa.svg amarsul-valorizacao-e-tratamento-de-residuos-solidos-sa.png anacom-autoridade-nacional-de-comunicacoes.jpg apadil-armaduras-plasticos-e-acessorios-de-iluminacao-sa.svg associacao-dns-pt.svg banco-ctt-sa.svg borgstena-textile-portugal-lda.svg brunswick-marine-emea-op-lda.svg camara-municipal-de-lisboa.svg camara-municipal-de-sesimbra.svg camara-municipal-de-sintra.png camara-municipal-do-porto.svg casa-das-lampadas-sa.svg cateringpor-catering-de-portugal-sa.svg colegio-elisangela-filomena.svg colunex-portuguesa-sa.svg crpg-centro-reabilitacao-profissional-de-gaia.png dardico-agro-industria-sa.png dia-portugal-supermercados-soc-unip-lda.svg direcao-geral-da-educacao.svg drapal-direcao-regional-de-agricultura-e-pescas-do-alentejo.png editorial-do-ministerio-da-educacao.png epal-emp-port-das-aguas-livres-sa.svg f-duarte-industria-e-comercio-alimentar-sa.png faculdade-de-ciencias-sociais-e-humanas-da-unl.png faculdade-de-direito-da-universidade-nova-lisboa.png fccn-fundacao-para-a-computacao-cientifica-nacional.png fisipe-fibras-sinteticas-de-portugal-sa.png flor-da-moda-confecoes-sa.png frulact-industria-agro-alimentar-sa.svg fundacao-de-serralves.png fundacao-pao-de-acucar-auchan-ipss.png fundo-de-fomento-habitacional.png grupo-antolin-lusitania-sa.svg hoteis-tivoli-sa.svg hotelagos-sa.svg iapmei-ip.png ifap-instituto-de-financiamento-da-agricultura-e-pescas-ip.png ihru-instituto-da-habitacao-e-reabilitacao-urbana.png ina-dir-geral-da-qualificacao-dos-trabalhadores-em-funcoes.png inps-instituto-nacional-de-previdencia-social.svg instituto-angolano-de-normalizacao-e-qualidade.svg instituto-da-vinha-e-do-vinho.png instituto-dos-registos-e-do-notariado-ip.svg instituto-politecnico-de-portalegre.svg ipma-instituto-portugues-do-mar-e-da-atmosfera-ip.svg itron-sistemas-de-medicao-lda.svg jose-rodrigues-mirco-herdeiros-lda.svg lankhorst-euronete-portugal-sa.svg lear-corporation-valenca-lda.png lipor-serv-intermunicipalizado-gestao-residuos-do-grporto.png lnec-laboratorio-nacional-engenharia-civil.svg lneg-laboratorio-nacional-de-engenharia-e-geologia.svg macarico-sa.png maieutica-coop-ensino-superior-crl.png malo-clinic-sa.svg marinoteis-sa.svg metropolitano-de-lisboa-epe.svg municipio-de-borba.svg municipio-de-faro.png municipio-de-ferreira-do-alentejo.png municipio-de-palmela.png municipio-do-barreiro.png navarra-extrusao-de-aluminio-sa.jpg niepoort-vinhos-sa.png o-feliz-metalomecanica-sa.png oli-sistemas-sanitarios-sa.png osi-sistemas-informaticos-e-eletrotecnicos-lda.svg secretaria-geral-da-educaçao-e-ciencia.svg segautomotive-portugal-unipessoal-lda.png sfpc-sociedade-franco-portuguesa-de-capacetes-sa.png silsa-confeccoes-sa.jpg simar-serv-int-de-agua-e-resid-municip-loures-e-odivelas.png sogrape-vinhos-sa.svg solingest-solucoes-integradas-de-gestao-lda.png sonae-capital.svg sorema-tapetes-e-cortinas-de-banho-sa.svg strellson-portuguesa-industrias-de-confecao-lda.png teatro-nacional-d-maria-ii-epe.svg thyssenkrupp-materials-iberica-sau-sucursal-em-portugal.png tictel-confecoes-sa.jpg tivoli-gare-do-oriente-sa.svg tratolixo-trat-residuos-solidos-eim.jpg universidade-nova-de-lisboa.png valmet-lda.png valorsul-val-trat-residuos-solidos-reg-lisboa-e-oeste-sa.jpg viagens-abreu-sa.png

Case Studies